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Female Student

Your Potential

Use D'Angelo 360's Two-Step System and Let Your Natural Abilities Shape Your Career

Ask­ing a high school student–already jug­gling sports, a social life and a full slate of classes–to plan for five, 10 or 20 years into the future hard­ly seems fair. But, that’s the exact chal­lenge teenagers face. Deci­sions about col­lege appli­ca­tions. Selec­tion of advanced place­ment class­es. Decid­ing the uni­ver­si­ties that best fit long-term dreams: pre-law, pre-med, engi­neer­ing or lib­er­al arts.

Or, per­haps the busy teenag­er just needs help find­ing a way to keep grades up in a shaky sub­ject.


Finding the Path Together

We can clear the con­fu­sion. We begin with The High­lands Abil­i­ty Bat­tery, an online tool designed to iden­ti­fy not only a student’s inher­ent abil­i­ties but also career fields offer­ing a nat­ur­al match. Every­one pos­sess­es dis­tinct abil­i­ties that do not change with time. Nat­ur­al strengths and inter­ests devel­oped by age 15 remain con­stant through­out all of our lives. Some of us are intu­itive, quick­ly grasp­ing broad con­cepts.

Oth­ers thrive with details, mem­o­riz­ing and under­stand­ing facts and for­mu­lae. Each of us falls some­where along the spec­trum. Nat­ur­al abil­i­ties don’t change. Research shows that they are devel­oped by the time we are 14–15 years of age and are con­stant through­out our lives.

The High­lands Abil­i­ty Battery’s 30-page report is the first step in the cre­ation of a per­son­al vision of the future. A one-on-one, two-hour con­ver­sa­tion with a pro­fes­sion­al coun­selor will hep you under­stand the High­land Abil­i­ty Battery’s results, the sources of your pas­sion and how you can best focus the traits dri­ving you: Find your best method for learn­ing, and how to apply you nat­ur­al ten­den­cies to any sub­ject.

Under­stand your unique abil­i­ties, and how they make you spe­cial. Iden­ti­fy your spe­cial­ized tal­ents, and under­stand how to apply them in any sit­u­a­tion. Dis­cov­er the type of work and envi­ron­ment that suit you best, and how this can guide your edu­ca­tion choic­es.


A Personal Vision of the Future

Once we under­stand how you learn and the types of careers offer­ing the best match, togeth­er we cre­ate your Per­son­al Vision Plan. After all, under­stand­ing the path to suc­cess is only the first step. You deserve a real­is­tic plan to tie your pas­sions and nat­ur­al abil­i­ties to every­day suc­cess.

And here’s a lit­tle secret for our clients. Few­er than 15 per­cent of the peo­ple who will com­pete with you for the best col­leges, schol­ar­ships, intern­ships and jobs define goals and work from a strate­gic plan.

Sim­ply, we put you ahead of the pack. Way ahead. Each month, we dis­cuss the goals that will build the foun­da­tion for col­lege, career and beyond. We will build a Per­son­al Vision Plan: goal set­ting, strat­e­gy and a plan to get it all done. Our ongo­ing coach­ing means you’re nev­er alone. We will help you adjust your plan when­ev­er you feel the need pol­ish any rough edges. After all, you will learn more about your­self as you grow. Togeth­er, we make sure your Per­son­al Vision Plan grows with you.

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