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Working Together

Your Potential

Use D'Angelo 360's Two-Step System and Let Your Natural Abilities Shape Your Career

Do you know people who really love their job, and who never want to do anything else? For many of us, those conversations prompt one question “Why not me?” You’re not alone. Too often, a job is just a job, which is perfectly understandable in a time when any career opportunity is precious.

But, find­ing a career that makes you pop out of bed smil­ing each morn­ing is worth the effort–no mat­ter if you’re just start­ing out or if you have years of expe­ri­ence. After all, no one wants to go through life won­der­ing “what if?,” because we know you can succeed–a ful­fill­ing career suit­ed to the nat­ur­al abil­i­ties unique to you.



Understanding Your True Abilities

We begin with the The High­lands Abil­i­ty Bat­tery, an online ques­tion-and-answer tool designed to iden­ti­fy not only your inher­ent abil­i­ties but also the career and work envi­ron­ments pro­vid­ing the best match. The results might sur­prise you, unearthing long-held dreams pushed aside by the hus­tle and bus­tle of dai­ly life. You see, every­one pos­sess­es dis­tinct abil­i­ties that do not change with time. Nat­ur­al strengths and inter­ests devel­oped by age 15 remain con­stant through­out our lives.

Youth­ful visions of the per­fect career might be clos­er to the truth the you ever expect­ed, and The High­lands Abil­i­ty Bat­tery offers an objec­tive guide based on the pio­neer­ing clin­i­cal research of John­son O’Connor.

The High­lands Abil­i­ty Battery’s 30-page reports is the first step in the cre­ation of a per­son­al vision of the future. Rather than a test of your knowl­edge, the High­lands Abil­i­ty Bat­tery goes deep­er to give a snap­shot of your nat­ur­al abilities.

A one-on-one, two-hour con­ver­sa­tion with a pro­fes­sion­al coun­selor will hep you under­stand the results, the sources of your pas­sion and how you can best focus the traits dri­ving you: Under­stand your unique abil­i­ties, how they make you spe­cial and how to apply them to your career Explore the eight keys to mak­ing pos­i­tive, informed deci­sions.

Dis­cov­er the type of work and environment that suit you best, and how this can guide your career deci­sions.  Never again wonder what career real­ly fits you best.


A Plan for Results

Once we under­stand the types of careers and work envi­ron­ments offer­ing the best match, togeth­er we cre­ate your Per­son­al Vision Plan.

After all, under­stand­ing the path to suc­cess is only the first step. You deserve a real­is­tic plan to tie your pas­sions and nat­ur­al abil­i­ties to every­day suc­cess. And a lit­tle plan­ning goes a long way. Few­er than 15 per­cent of the peo­ple who will com­pete with you for the best jobs, rais­es and pro­mo­tions define goals and work from a strate­gic plan. With a plan to max­i­mize your nat­ur­al abil­i­ties, you have the advan­tage.

Each month, we dis­cuss the goals that will build the foun­da­tion for your career and beyond. We will build a Per­son­al Vision Plan: goal set­ting, strat­e­gy and a plan to turn the dream of a sat­is­fy­ing career into real­i­ty. Best of all, our ongoing coach­ing means you’re nev­er alone.

We will help you adjust your plan when­ev­er you feel the need, and we can offer the friend­ly nudge when you need a boost. Togeth­er, we make sure your Person­al Vision Plan means you nev­er have to ask “Why not me?”

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