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“My career is going well but I’m not happy. What now?”

Sandra is in her mid-40s. She has been to college and graduate school where she studied organizational leadership and has a successful career as the Director of Human Resources at a mid-size manufacturing company. She’s worked hard to keep up her career while also having a family, and now her two children are in upper elementary school.

In a sense, she’s “made it.” She has arrived. She earns a good salary, leads a comfortable lifestyle, and has a nice home. But her work is no longer fulfilling. She’s not sure if her priorities have changed, if the work has become too routine, if changes in leadership have trickled down, or if she just needs a break. Although she doesn’t dislike what she’s doing, there’s no joy in her work, and when she looks ahead, she doesn’t know what the next step should be.

Does this scenario describe you, or someone in your life? Unfortunately, it’s not an uncommon situation. Hard working and career-focused individuals hit a certain point and find that the drive to do what they’d been doing is no longer there. The satisfaction is gone, and they want to reassess what the next ten years might look like.

While it may be common, there aren’t many systematic solutions for helping people through these moments of transition, or turning points. Left on their own, most people will either continue with the same job because it seems like the sensible, responsible thing to do, or will jump into something entirely different without knowing exactly what they’re getting into (“Anything is better than this!”).

At the Highlands Company, we have a process for finding what you really want that is not only systematic, but also effective and convenient. The Don’t Waste Your Talent Coaching Program is delivered as a series of online, self-paced assignments. You work directly with a Highlands Certified Consultant to determine your pace, and he or she will keep you on track and serve as an objective third party who can bring valuable insight as you advance through the program.

Imagine if Sandra decides to take the Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) and then enrolls in the coaching program. As she begins to delve into her family’s work history, her personal values, and her skills and experiences, she starts to see patterns that she had never before noticed. Her father left a secure position in his early 40s in order to start up a new company. The venture didn’t go well, and she grew up hearing him say over and over that it was a mistake for him to leave his job. Now Sandra can clearly see why the security of a steady job was so important to her. She can also see how she made compromises with her values and priorities in order to make that happen. Stepping back from the pull of her job, the pressure from her family, and the fog of her own presuppositions gives Sandra new clarity. She is able to articulate what she wants in a Personal Vision Statement and then apply that clarity to her career.

Will she stay in her job? Or will she leave and try something entirely different?

Sandra’s story is in her hands, but the exciting thing for you is that you also have a story to tell with your life. And if you don’t want it to be told for you—if you don’t want to merely play out someone else’s expectations—you can take control. This very day, you can start defining your story and choosing your ending.

Don’t let life happen to you. Live your life with purpose and clarity. Contact us today and enroll in the Don’t Waste Your Talent Coaching Program.

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